Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Two of Wands - Directions Needed

“Do I dare / Disturb the universe?"
 (T.S.Eliott, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock)

Expansion knows no limitations, does it? Explorers like Columbus would have probably nodded but the well-mapped world of today leaves us fewer possibilities. When I first look at the card I have the impression that the man on it is considering which way to go, if any. The wand he is holding in his hand is the burning one, the one that may explode or extinguish. The other wand is behind him and he no longer holds it. It is replaced by a globe in his left hand – the unconscious desire to leave. And the burning wand is in his right hand – he is nearly ready to leave. Nearly ... What holds him back? The wand within the castle walls symbolizes the past. He has built these walls himself (does it remind you of the Tower?) to secure his position, his gains, his private space. That is what he managed to achieve in his past life, in the Six of Wands, what he was defending in the Seven of Wands when suddenly the Eight of Wands brought about unexpected changes and the desire to expand further. Once again he had to protect his possessions in the Nine of Wands and heal the wounds, recover. Did he really recover if he was on the watch? The walls in Two of Wands are the relics of the Ten of Wands. Now they turn to be a burden and must be pulled down. Therefore he has been given the power of the Ace of Wands.
Why is he about to leave? I assume it is because there is nothing more within these walls that satisfies him. His longing suggests he is there alone – no friends, no companions, no family. Maybe they hide in the castle. If so, he does not seem to be attached to them. Whether he realizes it or not, he is already possessed by the Ace of Wands which tells him: “Go, act and do it now!”
When I look closer at this card I get the impression the man says: “I’ve built these walls alone, protected them from the enemies only to find out that nothing is left inside. They (my gains) must have left by a back gate when I was on the watch.”
Very frequently this card portrays loneliness and longing for a companion – someone who might act with me, someone who is probably waiting outside, but where? There are new people, new challenges, new perspectives in front of the man. There are different ways leading (or misleading) into different places. One should consider them before departure. But on the other hand, Wands are not there to consider. At least not too long. Wands are about actions while the longing is the stimulus.
My world is limited – the man seems to say. So much longing, so many obstacles. Reminds me of a split personality. One part of him is already on the go (the Fool), one is lagging behind (whatever obstacles these walls pose to me, they are still my walls).
Will the man manage to leave? And what direction will he choose? Will he dare go alone to conquer the known-unknown? The Ace of Wands in his hands is burning while he is still on the watch …
Maybe he dares. Otherwise, the wand will extinguish or burn his hand and he will stay within the walls drowned in longing till the next Ace of Wands appears out of the blue. Some day. If ever.
In its negative the card turns attention to the constant dilemmas: action/nonaction, expansion/stability, freedom/commitments. If you feel the influecnce of this card in your life, look behind and ask yourself what is holding you back. Twos always bring a bias. So maybe what you needs is anther person who will point you the way with their wand. Be sure to check if there is still anything within the walls you have been protecting. Or maybe what you guard are only empty walls.
Let’s leave the man at this point. The decision is up to him.

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