Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Three of Wands – Prepare for Departure

"In a minute there is time/ For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse"
(T.S.Eliott, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock)

There he is – I find the man again at the edge of the cliff. As in the Two of Wands – he is looking ahead, this time at the ships departing from some port. The Ace of Wands is there, too - burning in his hands, while two other wands are already behind him. So he must have made a decision to expand. He is standing on the cliff at the seaside, at large, unlike in the Two of Wands where his space was limited to the castle walls. So he must have chosen the direction, I suppose. But he dose not embark on the ship yet, though the burning wand is still with him. He is planning. Plans and preparations are what he needs now. Yet, he has advanced a few steps further. Wands are quick, after all.
What we need in the Three of Wands is planning. Of course one can embark on any ship which is leaving the port. But the man has made plans in the meantime. It is not about going anywhere. It is about going to the right place, arriving at the right time and doing the right thing. The enfant terrible seems to have done his homework. But is he already on the go?
Not quite. There is always a chance that something/someone hinders him from departure. The Three of Wands is not a fast-moving card. There is a stop here, but this stop does not depend on his un/willingness to go. It is about time and planning.
When you see this card in relationship or business spreads think about planning. It does not happen quickly. Decision and its enforcement are two different things. More than that, three means more than one or two. There are third parties involved at this stage, people from the outside coming in and out. Three of Wands brings the next challenge – us vs. the rest.
Yet, Wands are about courage and action. The man on the cliff (like the Fool) seems to have decided, but contrary to the Fool he has plans. He will go on unless someone/something tries to hinder him. But he is not in a hurry. He is already on the cliff. The ships have left the port but he may wait for the next ones.
Or he may withdraw and turn back … to the castle he has been protecting for so long only to find the empty walls. But how can he know the castle is empty if he has spent all his recent time on the watch?
Therefore this is the first out of nine “archway” cards in Tarot. The gate is open – it is enough to pass it and discover a new reality. Just reach for it – says the card. Yet “archways” often bring about stops and delays. Is the traveler ready to pass? When you find it in your readings, pay special attention to it. The present must become the past so that the future can turn into the present. If the traveler manages to pass he will advance to the next "archway" in the Five of Cups. But let's not hurry things. After all there is no much hurry in the Three of Wands.  
Anyway, plans have to be tested at this point. The burning Ace of Wands has led him so far. Does he still need it? When you stand at the age of the cliff you can either turn back or jump ahead. The wand will not save you. Remember it is burning your hand and burns mean pain. The card symbolizes progress which may be interfered by delays but the overall perspectives look great.
In the negative, the delays may cause frustration and lead one astray. If that is your problem, reconsider your plans. May be they need some revisions which can easily be introduced at this stage. You may need more courage, more initiative, more energy. It will be to late once you embark on a ship. 

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